Target market determinations

What is a Target Market Determination?

A Target Market Determination (TMD) describes the type of customers who may suit our product offerings based on their needs, objectives, and financial situation (target market).

It also sets out who can distribute our products, how they can do this, and situations when we may need to review our products and the target market.


Why do we have Target Market Determinations?

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019 requires us to have Target Market Determinations to ensure we’re ‘getting it right for customers’ – putting you at the centre of how we design and distribute our products.


Current TMDs

Here are the current TMDs for the products we offer.


Need a previous version of one of our TMDs?

No worries! Give us a call at 13 30 80.


Information for brokers

What does the distributor need to do?

The Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) require distributors engaging in retail product distribution conduct to take reasonable steps to distribute ubank products to their intended target market and to report certain information to ubank.

We actively monitor our products to ensure reviews of our products and their distribution are readily undertaken when needed. Reporting from our brokers plays a significant role in us ensuring our products continue to be fit for purpose.

Brokers are required to report to ubank information about significant dealings, complaints or feedback they have received about our products. In addition to this, our TMDs may also outline other information required under these reporting requirements.

These reports need to be shared with us within the specified reporting timeframes set out in our TMDs.


How do distributors contact ubank for DDO enquiries?

Contact your friendly BDM within ubank.

If you are unsure of your BDM, please give us a call on (02) 9058 7402.