Stay alert to scams and fraud
Don’t click on links in unexpected messages, and if you get a suspicious call from someone claiming to be ubank, hang up and call our official phone number. Always remember, if it seems weird, it probably is.
Check out our FAQs
Get an instant answer with our FAQs
Whether you’re looking for help with current or original ubank accounts and home loans, or navigating through our app, we’ve got all the info you need in our help centre.
Contact us
Get help from our team
Talk to us
We’re available between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday, and between 8am and 6pm on Saturday and Sunday (Sydney time).
If you’re in Australia, call:
If you’re overseas, call:
Media enquiries
For media enquiries, please contact
Lost or stolen cards
Call us as soon as possible on 13 30 80 (within Australia) or +61 2 9070 0202 (from overseas) 24/7.
Power of attorney
Email us at
Deceased estate
To notify us of a passing of a loved one, you can call us on 13 30 80 between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday, and between 8am and 6pm on Saturday and Sunday (Sydney time), and one of our team will be able to guide you through each step of the process.
Accessibility services
National Relay Service
If you’re d/Deaf or find it hard to hear or speak to hearing people on the phone, the National Relay Service can help. To contact ubank give our phone number 13 30 80 to the National Relay Service operator when asked.
Phone numbers and servicing options
Visit the National Relay Service website to find a suitable service option, NRS phone numbers and service links.
Post and registered office
If you have a SMSF or documentation to post to ubank, please address it to:
UBank PO Box 1466
North Sydney NSW 2059
Registered office
Any subpoenas, writs, garnishee orders, statutory notices and other notices should be served at NAB’s registered office:
The Proper Officer
National Australia Bank Limited
Level 28
395 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
We’re here to listen and get to the bottom of any issues. If we can’t resolve your complaint straight away and we need to do a bit of investigation, we’ll keep you updated with next steps.
Head here to find out how you can get in touch with us.
Need an interpreter?
Do you have limited English or prefer to speak in a language other than English? When you call us, just say “I need an interpreter” and we’ll arrange for someone to help with your enquiry.
If you don’t see your language listed below, click here for more languages or please ask us for help to find someone who speaks your language to help with your banking.