View detailed information on the compilation of the disclosure data.
[Q4 2024]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Previous quarter’s availability statistics
[Q3 2024]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.94% | 1:24 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q2 2024]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.91% | 2:04 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q1 2024]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.52% | 10:22 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q4 2023]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.92% | 1:50 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q3 2023]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.97% | 0:40 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q2 2023]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.48% | 11:15 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.96% | 0:00 | 0:49 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q1 2023]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.17% | 17:54 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.96% | 0:56 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 99.01% | 8:45 | 0:00 |
[Q4 2022]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.79% | 0:00 | 4:32 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q3 2022]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.80% | 4:20 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q2 2022]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.76% | 4:24 | 0:55 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q1 2022]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.97% | 0:45 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q4 2021]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.96% | 0:58 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 99.86% | 3:11 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
[Q3 2021]
Payment service type | Service availability (percentage) | Significant outages due to problems at ubank (in hours:minutes) | Significant outages due to system-wide infrastructure problems or natural disasters (in hours:minutes) |
Withdraw/deposit cash at an ATM | |||
Transact over-the-counter in a branch | |||
Make card payments (cardholders) | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Accept card payments (businesses) | |||
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | 99.96% | 0:53 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | 100% | 0:00 | 0:00 |
Description of services and metrics
Service or metric | Description |
Service availability % (percentage) | The actual amount of time that the service is not experiencing a significant outage, as a proportion of the amount of time during which the service was planned to be available in the quarter. Planned available time excludes planned outages (e.g. for system maintenance). |
Significant outage | Unplanned unavailability of a service that meets minimum thresholds for duration and the proportion of customers affected. |
System-wide infrastructures | Includes payment systems provided by the RBA, card schemes and other central payment system infrastructure; electricity network; and provider of telecommunications network links to ubank’s operating or data centres. |
Withdrawal/deposit cash at ATM | Not applicable |
Transact over-the-counter at a branch | Not applicable |
Make card payments (cardholders) | Ability to use a ubank debit card to make a payment either in-store, on a mobile device (e.g. through an app) or online. Outages exclude problems with the business’ payments acceptance device or payments provider or a customer’s mobile device. |
Make card payments (businesses) | Not applicable |
Access accounts using online banking (web browser or mobile device app) | Ability to log in, transfer between own accounts at ubank, initiate payments and/or view accurate and up to date account information. Excludes the ability to process payments, which is covered in ‘make/receive account transfers (fast payments)’ and ‘make/receive account transfers - next business day’. |
Make/receive account transfers – fast payments | Ability of ubank to process fast bank account transfers. This includes account-to-account transfers (Pay Anyone) to a PayID, and other one-off or scheduled payments (for example, direct debits and payroll payments by businesses) made through NPP/Osko. Outages exclude the inability for customers to initiate transfers due to unavailability of web or app banking channels, or a branch. |
Make/receive account transfers – next business day | Ability of ubank to process bank account transfers, with funds becoming available to the recipient on the next business day or later. Includes account-to-account transfers (Pay Anyone) and scheduled payments (for example, direct debits, and payroll payments by businesses) not made as fast payments through NPP/Osko, and BPAY payments. Outages exclude the inability to initiate payments due to unavailability of web or app banking channels, or a branch. |